back view black cast iron heat register
damper detail
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damper open

click to order

duct opening no damper with damper
2.25 by 10 inches $109.95 not available
2.25 by 12 inches $156.95 not available
2.25 by 14 inches $120.95 not available
4 by 8 inches $109.95 not available
4 by 10 inches $150.95 $214.95
4 by 12 inches $153.95 $226.95
4 by 14 inches $200.95 not available
6 by 6 inches $102.95 not available
6 by 10 inches $197.95 $267.95
6 by 12 inches $221.95 $312.95
6 by 14 inches $239.95 not available
8 by 10 inches $245.95 $315.95

s&h 10%, but least $14.95
add $19.95 for screwholes and screws
